
A class of school students were out picking berries when they came across a ghost it was as white as the sky and had a white robe on and had gold jewelry on every one of it's limbs then in the light it's gold shining like the sun it said ‘ Why are you picking my berry's?" the ghost said calmly." These aren't your berries" one of the little children said.

Then the ghost yelled as loud as it could at the class and said in a deep devilish voice" Go away these are my Berry’s!!!!!" As you could imagine the class including the teacher ran like sonic back to their class room. The next day they went there again and then they said to the ghost" Please can we have some berries" the ghost replied and said "No, no you can’t" then a little student said ‘why not?"

“Why not, why not I'll tell you why not because this is where I am buried under all of these berries that all of you spoiled brats are eating .In other words I want you not to eat these berries because I am burred under them” said the ghost in a very sad voice. Then the children said to him ’what can we do to help?’ 'All I want is for people not to eat all of my berries' said the ghost.

‘While maybe we can make a fence around your berries and put a stay out sign on the fence maybe that will fix your problem' said one of the children in a scared voice yet sounding kind of nice. "What a very good plan" said the ghost in a very happy voice. So that is what they did they did exactly what they said they would they built a fence around the berries then before they left for good, one of the children said 'how old are you? The ghost then replied “I am hundred thousand years old.

The End

By David Singh